One of my friends is assemblage artist Robert Villamagna. We both work at the same small college in WV and RV has been teacher, mentor, and advocate

This first picture is of his booth at this summer's Penn State Arts Fair. I love his work, how his eye sees things, how he remembers and re-members or puts together the lost, found, & forgotten.
And here is a close-up of one of his shadow boxes. These are small pieces, I have one of his in my library that is over 12 feet tall.
He has really interesting work!
Cheryl, for about 2 months now I've been in a Bettye Saar mode trying to understand how "assemblers" approach their work and intent. It always amazes me how they put totally unrelated items together to form a totally fresh vision.
RV's booth looks inviting...does he have a website?
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