Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Ring Around O'Rosie--Here is a shot of a new fused quilt, nearly done. It measures about 16 x 22. Still have a little more quilting to do around the borders. This is headed for a local quilt festival at Bethany College, WV in August. I had a lot of trouble with the bobbin tension on my machine, which is especially frustrating because it's brand new. After taking this photo I finally got the tension corrected and finished the quilting and attached the sleeve. I am pleased with the total quilt, but still have a long way to go with my machine quilting technique. Of course getting the machine tweaked can only help! I also need help choosing threads. So far I have not used invisible thread in the bobbin, and realize with this piece that I must buy some. So I see some problems with Rosie (the bobbin stitching and my primitive quilting technique), but the overall top feels good to me.

And here is a close-up of the "eye" of the storm. Lots of fused snippets, some couching thanks to the prodding, I mean encouragement, of Karoda, and some machine quilting with a lovely variegated metallic thread courtesy of my LQS.

1 comment:

Karoda said...

I love this Cheryl! What is the size of it? Is this the piece you referred to a month or so ago that you said was in progress or should we expect another quilt to appear here soon?

Oh, tell me I emailed you that I received your package...I keep thinking that I did...but sometimes a thing is on my mind with such clarity that I think I did it but actually didn't. Poetry and fiction that speaks to the landscape and its impact on personality and culture holds a very special place in my literary memories. Thanks.


"Color is the real substance for me, the real underlying thing which drawing and line are not."
--Sam Francis

"The great man is one who never loses his child's heart."
-- Philosopher Mencius

"We wear our attitudes in our bodies."
-- Patti Davis

Colour embodies an enormous though unexplored power which can effect the entire human body as physical organism.

Colour is a means of exercising direct influence upon the soul.
--V. Kandinsky
I found I could say things with color and shapes that I couldn't say any other way.. things I had no words for.
Georgia O'Keeffe

Nothing is really work unless you'd rather be doing something else.
J. M. Barrie, Peter Pan

Faith is like driving a car at night. You never see further than your headlights, but you can make the whole trip that way.
E. L. Doctorow

Somebody once said that people become artists
because they have a certain kind of energy to release, and that rings true to me.
--Dale Chihuly