These next images are some of the work I did while at Peters Valley with Mitch Lyons. There I enjoyed time without interruptions and I worked fast & free until I was spent. Then everything turned to mud--literally.

In this print the mud forms a great background, and I learned a valuable lesson, nothing is wasted in clay prints.
The history of the clay slab, like our own histories, makes for more texture, more depth, and consequently more interest in the work and in our lives.
Here is a second printing of the clay slab. Note how the bright yellow and red are disappearing and the mud color is coming through, showing the history of the slab. I added a darker green on top of the light green which is nearly gone. The blue and white from several layers below are making their way to the surface again.
And these next pieces show my actively adding textures, rolling things in the clay, carving and cutting the clay. I need to remember to add varied textures, not just color, color, color.

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