Lucky me! I can finally say that I have viewed Quilt National at the Dairy Barn Arts Center in Athens, Ohio. What an incredible show. Marvelous, thought-provoking art. It is an exciting time to be a fiber artist. Beautiful sumer afternoon with perfect blue skies and puffy clouds made for a fine day trip.
Meanwhile in the studio, here is a new piece using fused hand-dyed as well as marbled cottons.
The marbling is a new process I experimented with on the art retreat with Monita Mahoney. Couldn't wait to get home to put the marbling scraps in a quilt. Right now I'm working on a second quilt with the marbled cottons. My stumbling block is the piece I'm using is so beautiful that I can bear to cut it. By not cutting it tho, I run into design problems. So the piece is resting and I'll let my subconscious work on it.
(Hey! Monita!)

(Hey! Monita!)
"Working in more than one medium is like the farmer who rotates his crops to replenish the earth each medium I use enhances my use of the others," says Mahoney. "My subject matter and the feeling I want to convey about that particular subject determine which medium or combination of mediums I use."--M. Mahoney
Work on the art show is reaching completion. Yes! I have one quilt left to embroider and machine quilt. It measure about 36x40 so there is going to be plenty of work to do on the surface. It is an especially important piece to me and so I am saving the work, thinking thru what the design should be, because my usual work style is to slapdash out something fast. I really don't want to blow this one. As I've said before, my machine quilting is one of my weaknesses. It's getting better, but it's not beautiful. I really want this quilt to be a good one, so send good thoughts my way, dear reader, as I take on this privately important quilt.
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