Here is my latest carry-it-with-me knitting project. I dyed the yarn--KnitPicks Wool of the Andes--last summer and have been trying to decide what to do with it. It was the first time that I dyed with Kool-Aid, a science in the kitchen sort of project.
A serendipitous trip to the discount store provided discontinued Fun Fur in the exact colorway. I am working on a hat pattern that I've used before using one strand of worsted and one of fuzzy. It's a cloche-style with a brim that curls up a bit over the forehead.
There's lots o'knitting going on during lunch hours and late night TV time because I'm trying to get fuzzy scarves and hats ready for a school fund-raiser in mid October. Easy, mindless knitting is the answer. I have a few pairs of socks done too, but they will carry a high price because I don't want to part with them!
Slides and application are in the mail for the "Form Not Function" show in New Albany, IN. I don't know how well my work will hold up in the judges' eyes, but I've decided it's time for me to push my little birdies out of the nest to see if they crash or fly. I need some critical feedback instead of the bobble-heads "how pretty" response I get at home.
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