Monday, February 21, 2005

Window of the Heart--hand-dyed fabrics, fused & quilted. Entered in the 9th Annual Heritage Quilting Festival, Wheeling, WV 2/2005. Awarded 2nd place in the wall hanging category.
As a novice quilter & fuser I was pleased with this piece because so many of the techniques I've been learning finally came together in a pleasing whole. I received positive comments from the judge on the use of color (well duh! they are mostly Melody Johnson's fabrics), design(thank you Frieda for posting yours), the quilt edge was finished nicely (thanks again to my mentor & muse), and the top stitching added interest (they didn't even complain about how primitive my stitching is).

Then of course there is always the one comment that makes you wonder...
"Stitching has to go thru all layers for it to be a real quilt." Well, quilt blogging sisters, what do you think? Is that true?
Posted by Hello

1 comment:

Frieda Anderson said...

Well I'm very Flattered! Love the colors good job.
Frieda Anderson


"Color is the real substance for me, the real underlying thing which drawing and line are not."
--Sam Francis

"The great man is one who never loses his child's heart."
-- Philosopher Mencius

"We wear our attitudes in our bodies."
-- Patti Davis

Colour embodies an enormous though unexplored power which can effect the entire human body as physical organism.

Colour is a means of exercising direct influence upon the soul.
--V. Kandinsky
I found I could say things with color and shapes that I couldn't say any other way.. things I had no words for.
Georgia O'Keeffe

Nothing is really work unless you'd rather be doing something else.
J. M. Barrie, Peter Pan

Faith is like driving a car at night. You never see further than your headlights, but you can make the whole trip that way.
E. L. Doctorow

Somebody once said that people become artists
because they have a certain kind of energy to release, and that rings true to me.
--Dale Chihuly